They’re more than just teachers. They’re counselors, coaches, mentors, and friends. They deserve a full month of gratitude from all of us. Give your own heartfelt thanks to the special teachers in your life or share some kind words on social media. Thank you, Alabama Teachers!
6 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Thank Alabama Teachers Month
A group of Marion County 4-H students traveled to Warrior Mountain Farms/Timber Rattlin Kennels. They visited with the cattle, hand fed them, branded a piece of oak for a souvenir, and learned about seed stock operations and the artificial insemination program. They also learned about competition hunting, coon hunting in general, and met Gold Champion GRNTCH Timber Rattlin Bookie. They had a great time!
6 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
We appreciate our Principals and the jobs they do! Brilliant School - Dr. Kim Davis Guin Elem. - Mr. Josh Weatherly MCHS - Mr. Seth Seaborn Hackleburg Elem. - Mrs. Mary Kennedy Hackleburg High - Mr. Trey George Hamilton Elem. - Mr. Gary McCarley Hamilton Middle - Mr. Norman Ballard Hamilton High - Mr. David Cantrell Phillips Elem. - Mrs. Nancy Hallman Phillips High - Dr. Al Temple MCAS Administrator - Dr. Patrick Sutton
6 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
National Principals Month
National First Responders Day recognizes the heroic men and women who make it their business to take immediate action when disaster strikes. Thank you to ALL of our First Responders!
6 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
National First Responders Day
Thank you to Jason McCollum for speaking to the 10th - 12th grade students at Brilliant School in preparation for Red Ribbon Week.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Jason McCollum at Brilliant
Jason McCollum at Brilliant
Phillips High School's Theatre classes, led by Chris Farris and Kathy Scarberry, attended the Broadway performance of Mean Girls in Birmingham at the BJCC. A big thank you goes out to the American Theatre Guild for providing the tickets via a grant written by Chris Farris.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Mean Girls
Mean Girls
Mean Girls
Mean Girls
Wear purple on Thursday!
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Purple Thursday
It is time for Pre-ACT Testing!
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Pre-ACT Testing
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Free College App Week
This week addresses the importance of school bus safety and offers a reminder to everyone about the importance of following the law and school bus safety tips. Parents should have no need to worry about their child's safety on the school bus. We are thankful for our bus drivers!
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
School Bus Safety Week
There will be no school for students on Monday, October 16, 2023. This day has been set aside for Parent Teacher Conferences, Student Data/Parent Night, and Professional Development.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
No School for Students Oct. 16
Marion County students in Kindergarten through 8th Grade are utilizing iReady in their classrooms. If you would like more information on how iReady works and how your student is doing, remember to ask about iReady at Parent Teacher Conferences next week.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
The Marion Winston Youth Leadership Academy Orientation meeting with two 11th grade participants from each school:
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Marion Winston Youth Leadership Academy
Marion Winston Youth Leadership Academy
Marion Winston Youth Leadership Academy
Marion Winston Youth Leadership Academy
It's National School Lunch Week!
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
National School Lunch Week
Helpful tips for Parent-Teacher Conferences:
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Conference Checklist
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Parent School Communication Week
Phillips High School JAG, which stands for Jobs for America's Graduates, attended the Joint Leadership Development Conference in Huntsville on Thursday, October 5th to learn from industry leaders about networking, soft skills, and career advancement.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Thank you to the Journal Record for the article highlighting our Greenhouse Projects!
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Greenhouse Projects
Greenhouse Projects
Since 1962, when President John F. Kennedy created National School Lunch Week (NSLW), this annual observance has promoted the importance of a healthy school lunch in a child’s life and the impact it has both in and out of the classroom. #NSLW23 will be celebrated October 9-13.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
National School Lunch Week
SHOP LOCAL: Local businesses mean a stronger tax base and better use of public services. This translates into better schools and emergency response services for you and your family.
7 months ago, Marion County Board of Education
Shop Local